First pre-release of CaffeineSocket. Contains it's own fair share of bugs and problems. Use at your own risk! Anything referenced here as a 'change' refers to changes between v0.1.0 and the pre-changelog GitHub commit preceeding the one including this Anything referenced as an addition ('new') refers to all features since the creation of the project.
New Packages
caffeinesocket The base package that contains all CaffeineSocket classes.
caffeinesocket.exceptions All exceptions related to the use of CaffeineSocket WebSockets.
caffeinesocket.util A collection of utility classes that are not directly responsible for any of the intended uses of the library, but nonetheless help facilitate it.
New Classes
CaffeineSocket Primarily used for testing. Will not be included in final release.
WebSocket The main WebSocket class that will be called in order to create a new WebSocket object. Handles port reserving and the [RFC6455] compliant WebSocket handshake. Note: does not yet support extensions.
WebSocketListener text
WebSocketMessage text
New Enums
WebSocketFrameType text
WebSocketMessageState text
New Exceptions
InvalidOpcodeException Occurs when an invalid opcode is sent in a WebSocket frame header.
New Features
Instantiate a new WebSocket with WebSocket webSocket = new WebSocket(String name, int port);.
Fixed a bug where frames could not be received after having received the first frame sent by the client.
Miscellaneous Changes
Changed plenty of references to 'WebSocket messages' to 'WebSocket frames', as it should be.